Let’s work together

Mi'raaj Halal Farms is a unique and 'ONLY' licensed slaughterhouse in Canada to offer the process of 'TRADITIONAL NON STUNNED HALAL CHICKEN' .

Currently, the main options for chicken allocated for Canadian Muslims is to pre: gas (poison) the animals', machine slaughter the animals, or electric shock the animals…

All of these options honors secular slaughter standards above the established example of our Beloved Rasullah, (saw)...

There is one other facility in Canada to offer the traditional method in religious preparation and it services the Jewish market.

Kosher Kilos were immediately given quotas to serve their market where as it seems it is taking more than 2 years for traditional non-stunned halal quotas to even be allocated to the Muslim community.

We are seeking your support to petition Members of Parliament to uphold authentic and traditionally supplied Halal Chicken in Canada. We have the license, but we simply need the release of quotas to increase our production… and Nothing more!!

We understand that this traditional Halal process is definitely more difficult to produce, but we are licensed and willing to provide Traditional Halal Products over the acquisition of greater profits...

Please show your support to gain any associated Blessing of establishing Traditional Halal Food for the Province and show the depth of our communities unserved market demand.